Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mixed Emotions
At times I feel like these 6.5 months have dragged by and at other times like it was just the other day that I found out I was pregnant. I'm sure these next few months will fly by whether I like it or not.
Today I lined up the photographer (Megan DeShazo with DeShazo Photography) for their newborn photos, which will be taken within two weeks of their birth. Here is her website…click on galleries, then newest faces. These infant photos are too precious for words. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
BFF - Best Friends Forever
We looked as opposite as we could..her with blond straight hair and fair skin, me with my dark curly hair and dark skin.
We were in the same classroom our first two years at Jefferson Elementary. Then I moved to Lincoln Elementary and she remained at Jefferson. We were separated for a year, but of course it seemed like an eternity. Luckily the two schools shared the same Counselor and we would send notes and messages to each other through her.
In middle school, my BFF moved to a different city and our conversations became less frequent, but we always knew each other was there. We ended up at the same college but didn't have a lot of contact there either. After college we moved to different states and lost contact all together.
About two and a half years ago, I ran into her at the gym. I didn't know she taught there and was so excited when I saw her. It was wonderful to get reacquainted and to get to know her husband, little boy and her precious little girl (I could just kiss that little girls cheeks all day long).
I don't get to see her as often as I like as our hectic schedules seem to always keep us apart even though we live less than 10 miles from each other.I met her for dinner last night and even though I haven’t seen her in a really long time, it was like no time had passed since I saw her last.
I can only hope that my boys have friends as wonderful as Allison!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Last Get-A-Way

Belly Pic - Week 25
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Doctor's Appointment - 23 Weeks
- Earlier in the week, I had a bit of a fainting spell and have been very tired. He told me that I have low blood pressure and it is especially low for carrying twins. It’s very important that I stay hydrated to keep my blood pressure from dropping, which is why I almost fainted on Monday.
- I gained a whooping 8 lbs. this month! Yes, you read that correctly…that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. This brings the grand total to 18. I knew these babies had grown…just didn’t realize I grew that much too, although Sabrina did point out on Saturday that I now have a "booty".
- The doctor asked me if I was still working full-time and I basically looked at him like he was crazy. “Why wouldn’t I still be working full-time”, I thought. He said that bed rest is common when carrying twins; therefore, I need to limit my extracurricular activities to try to keep bed rest at bay. He said I’m to rest after work and on the weekends and that I may have to cut back my hours at work as we get closer to D-Day. I’m not very good at doing nothing. I’m glad the nursery is painted so I won’t have to worry with that project and I guess washing the cars is now out of the picture.
- In my opinion, he used the words “high risk” too many times during our conversation, but it is what it is. Having twins is high risk.
- I got to hear the heart beat of Ellis and Jackson. They are doing great!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Nursery Transformation - Phase 1
Phase 1 - Painting
We decided to paint the walls blue and would then see which fabrics we like for the bedding. So to get this project started I painted the nursery on Saturday. Here are some before and after pics. I still need to cut in the ceiling and hang the blinds then Phase 1 will be complete.
Mom and I have scouted out several fabric stores and found so many fun and fabulous fabrics. Of course, I love all the pink and purple but I will have to save that for another time! I told Mom to remind me in about 3 or 4 years that I want to do this again. Trent said that is fine, but we will probably have another boy...wishful thinking on his part!
I'm leaning towards the green and brown fabric.
On another note, my car was in the shop this week and they gave me a Mini-Cooper. It was a lot of fun to drive, although I'm not sure how safe these little cars are.
Week 23 Lessons Learned:
I've survived this pregnancy pretty much unscathed, but these growing boys are starting take it out of me. My heartburn is ever present, I've found that I need to eat more often and fatigue is starting to set in. I also tried to put on a pair of heels today, which fit fine last week, and are now OH SO tight. Besides my belly, butt and boobs getting bigger, so are my feet!
14 weeks and counting!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Belly Pic - Week 22
I can't believe the little munchkins will be here in 3 months.