Thirty-three days ago my life forever changed. Before I could hop in my car and drive to the grocery store without thinking a thing of it. Need toothpaste, I'll go get it. We attended all of the Thunder games. I could go to the gym whenever I pleased and sleep, showering and makeup were never considered a luxury.
Now in one day I change roughly 16 diapers, wash, fill and feed 16 bottles, use the big blue bulb to remove green stuff from little tiny nasal passages, do massive amounts of laundry and after a sleepless night and a long day of fussy babies I hope to have a smile on my face when Trent gets home from work.
BUT...when I look at these faces it makes everything all worth it. I never knew I could love something so much. I love to kiss their tiny cheeks, their tiny toes and their little button noses. My heart melts when I feed them a bottle and they look up at me with those big eyes that tell me they feel safe. Oh how I love these boys.
In a few weeks I will return to work; I will so miss those 16 bottles and 16 diaper changes.
* The picture above was taken when they were 10 days old. Brooks is on the left and Jackson is on the right.