I have some jammies that say Wild Thing and I think this best describes me. I’m the big brother (but just by 1 minute), I really want to be held and rocked and I love to cuddle with Mom and Dad after I eat. I have a really loud cry and I like to let you know when I’m not happy. I’ve recently found my little hands and I love to suck on them. I can make some funny faces.
At birth I weighed 5 lbs 6 oz and was 18 inches long. I was born at 12:14 PM.

Hi, I’m Brooks.
I’m more laid back than Big Brother. He can be a little high maintenance! I, on the other hand, go to sleep in my crib all by myself and really only cry when my diaper is being changed. I’ve been told that my cry sounds kind of like a cat. I may weigh less than Brother but I'm taller!
At birth I weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 19.5 inches long. I was born at 12:15 PM.

And together we are the Bridges’ Boys.

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