According to Doctor V, it will take the Boys about 2 weeks to master the art of eating from a spoon, therefore we started the Boys on rice cereal so they'll have the hang of it by the time they get to the 6 month mark. Then they'll start on veggies and fruit.
Speaking of veggies and fruit, every time I flip through the William Sonoma catalogue the
Beaba Baby Food Maker 

jumps out at me. It's calling my name. It says buy me, use me, I will make your life so much easier, then I think about all the free time I have (zilch) and realize it probably isn't that great of an idea. Gerber Baby Food it is.
When I feed Jackson, he makes funny faces and pushes most of the cereal out of his mouth. Brooks acts a little confused, but eats it anyways.
Brooks |
Jackson |
I feed them in the kitchen sink sitting in their bathseat so I can just hose them off after the whole feeding expereince. I need to start putting a bib on them so they can get used to it. Matter of fact, I should probably wear one too, since some of it always ends up on me. As you can tell from these pictures, they need more practice so more stays in their mouth and less on their face!
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