Thursday, August 5, 2010

Doctor's Appointment - 23 Weeks

This morning I saw my doctor for my monthly visit. During this visit I learned quite a few things. First of all, he reminded me again that I’m carrying TWO babies and not one and second of all, that anything I’ve been told about carrying one does not apply to carrying two. Everything is different with two. With that being said…here is a recap of my visit.

  • Earlier in the week, I had a bit of a fainting spell and have been very tired. He told me that I have low blood pressure and it is especially low for carrying twins. It’s very important that I stay hydrated to keep my blood pressure from dropping, which is why I almost fainted on Monday.

  • I gained a whooping 8 lbs. this month! Yes, you read that correctly…that is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. This brings the grand total to 18. I knew these babies had grown…just didn’t realize I grew that much too, although Sabrina did point out on Saturday that I now have a "booty".

  • The doctor asked me if I was still working full-time and I basically looked at him like he was crazy. “Why wouldn’t I still be working full-time”, I thought. He said that bed rest is common when carrying twins; therefore, I need to limit my extracurricular activities to try to keep bed rest at bay. He said I’m to rest after work and on the weekends and that I may have to cut back my hours at work as we get closer to D-Day. I’m not very good at doing nothing. I’m glad the nursery is painted so I won’t have to worry with that project and I guess washing the cars is now out of the picture.
  • In my opinion, he used the words “high risk” too many times during our conversation, but it is what it is. Having twins is high risk.

  • I got to hear the heart beat of Ellis and Jackson. They are doing great!
A friend of mine had twins last November and she's been warning me about all these things. I will admit that I have doubted all she’s said up until now. This pregnancy has been so easy that I figured her issues wouldn’t be my issues. All I can do is take it one day at a time and hope for the best and remind myself that I can only control what I can control…rest and relax.
On a lighter note, when I told the Doc that my belly exploded this month…he laughed and said “just wait until next month.” Thanks Doc for making me laugh. I needed it today!
My next appointment is in 4 weeks when they will screen me for gestational diabetes. After that I see him ever two weeks and then every week. The next ultrasound is scheduled for Sept. 7 (28 weeks). Sept. 7 can't get here soon enough!

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